
  • More often than not, our professions give us codes of conduct or codes of practice or codes of ethics that we are meant to adhere to. These are fine however, they generally do not address the issue of anti-corruption compliance in ways that are specific and/or adequate. These also tend to be very static documents which do not keep pace with the behavioural challenges and pressures professionals and small business owners face in their operating environment and therefore are seen by actors as static, not dynamic. We are also finding more and more that failure to abide by codes is not always because there is no understanding of what the code says or expects of professionals, but rather the feeling that in a very corrupt business environment, one must conform with the corrupt norms to survive. Therefore, those who are anti-corruption compliant in such environs have to buck the trend and show their compliance over and beyond what you can find in professional or other codes.

    1. 1. A risk-assessment against practices in the environment helps the company wishing to be anti-corruption compliant identify areas in which they are vulnerable, and policies and processes that need to be strengthened.
    2. 2. To prove that processes and policies arrived at really control the way the entity is run, it is important that one can demonstrate internal governance and controls that meet international standards.
    3. 3. As anti-corruption compliance is seldom the objective of professional and other codes of conduct or codes of practice or codes of ethics, demonstrating adequate anti-bribery/anti-corruption (ABAC) policies and procedures are in place can help bridge the gap.

    Below, all subscribers to this system have the opportunity of conducting three types of self-assessments to identify what is needed to strengthen the integrity system in their organisation.